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Usage: client.platform.documents.create(typeLocator, identity, documentOpts)
Description: This method will return a ExtendedDocument object initialized with the parameters defined and apply to the used identity.
parameters | type | required | Description |
dotLocator | string | yes | Field of a specific application, under the form appName.fieldName |
identity | Identity | yes | A valid registered identity |
docOpts | Object | yes | A valid data that match the data contract structure |
const identityId = '';// Your identity identifier
const identity = await client.platform.identities.get(identityId);
const helloWorldDocument = await client.platform.documents.create(
// Assume a contract helloWorldContract is registered with a field note
{ message: 'Hello World'},
Note: When your document is created, it will only exist locally, use the broadcast method to register it.
Returns: ExtendedDocument
Updated 12 months ago