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These docs are for v0.23.0. Click to read the latest docs for v0.25-redirect.

Core gRPC Endpoints

Detailed core gRPC endpoint reference


gRPC Overview

Please refer to the gRPC Overview for details regarding running the examples shown below, encoding/decoding the request/response data, and clients available for several languages.

Endpoint Details


Returns: The transaction id (TXID) if successful

transactionBytesYesA raw transaction
allow_high_feesBooleanNoEnables bypassing the high fee check

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
const { Transaction } = require('@dashevo/dashcore-lib');

const client = new DAPIClient({
  seeds: [{
    host: '',
    port: 3000,

// Replace the transaction hex below with your own transaction prior to running
const tx = Transaction('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');

  .then((response) => console.log(response));
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');
const { Transaction } = require('@dashevo/dashcore-lib');

const corePromiseClient = new CorePromiseClient('');

// Replace the transaction hex below with your own transaction prior to running
const tx = Transaction('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');

corePromiseClient.client.broadcastTransaction({ transaction: tx.toBuffer() })
  .then((response) => console.log(response));
  transactionId: '552eaf24a60014edcbbb253dbc4dd68766532cab3854b44face051cedcfd578f'


Returns: Status information from the Core chain
Parameters: None

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');

const client = new DAPIClient({
  seeds: [{
    host: '',
    port: 3000,

  .then((response) => console.log(response));
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');

const corePromiseClient = new CorePromiseClient('');

corePromiseClient.client.getStatus(new GetStatusRequest())
  .then((response) => console.log(response));
# Run in the platform repository's `packages/dapi-grpc/` directory
grpcurl -plaintext -proto protos/core/v0/core.proto \ \


Note: The gRPCurl response bestBlockHash, chainWork, and proTxHash data is Base64 encoded

    "agent":"/Dash Core:18.2.0(dcg-masternode-27)/"
    "bestBlockHash":<Buffer 00 00 00 cc d5 cd ac 18 ed a8 32 74 0b de a7 ed 54 07 65 38 8f b8 6d 45 2e 9b f9 99 00 93 cc 33>,
    "chainWork":<Buffer 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 d6 8b f8 46 fc e4 7e>,
    "proTxHash":<Buffer 56 65 24 97 d5 61 eb ec b4 5d d4 84 82 e3 85 7c 73 b7 a9 84 e1 ed c6 45 3a df 0f 11 dd b7 ed 21>,
  "version": {
    "protocol": 70224,
    "software": 180200,
    "agent": "/Dash Core:18.2.0(dcg-masternode-38)/"
  "time": {
    "now": 1671649471,
    "median": 1671648448
  "status": "READY",
  "syncProgress": 0.9999996976056101,
  "chain": {
    "name": "test",
    "headersCount": 802876,
    "blocksCount": 802876,
    "bestBlockHash": "AAAAWMEWD9MNSsdmfIqKRC821Kck8LATyMxpFoFXFlE=",
    "difficulty": 0.003259477377481251,
    "isSynced": true,
    "syncProgress": 0.9999996976056101
  "masternode": {
    "status": "READY",
    "proTxHash": "+3H0EdNXRwEO3E4+lN2oS9+cJBPmKYHVkRUeedsKtRw=",
    "isSynced": true,
    "syncProgress": 1
  "network": {
    "peersCount": 152,
    "fee": {
      "relay": 1e-05,
      "incremental": 1e-05


Returns: A raw block

One of the following:
hashBytesNoReturn the block matching the block hash provided
heightIntegerNoReturn the block matching the block height provided

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');

const client = new DAPIClient({
  seeds: [{
    host: '',
    port: 3000,

  .then((response) => console.log(response.toString('hex')));
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');

const corePromiseClient = new CorePromiseClient('');

corePromiseClient.client.getBlock({ height: 1 })
  .then((response) => console.log(response.block.toString('hex')));
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');

const corePromiseClient = new CorePromiseClient('');

  hash: '0000047d24635e347be3aaaeb66c26be94901a2f962feccd4f95090191f208c1',
}).then((response) => {
grpcurl -plaintext -proto protos/core/v0/core.proto \
  -d '{
    }' \ \


Block Encoding

Note: The gRPCurl response block data is Base64 encoded



Returns: A raw transaction

idStringYesA transaction id (TXID)

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');

const client = new DAPIClient({
  seeds: [{
    host: '',
    port: 3000,

const txid = '4004d3f9f1b688f2babb1f98ea48e1472be51e29712f942fc379c6e996cdd308';
  .then((response) => console.dir(response, { length: 0 }));
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');

const corePromiseClient = new CorePromiseClient('');

const txid = '4004d3f9f1b688f2babb1f98ea48e1472be51e29712f942fc379c6e996cdd308';

corePromiseClient.client.getTransaction({ id: txid })
  .then((response) => console.dir(response, { length: 0 }));
grpcurl -plaintext -proto protos/core/v0/core.proto \
  -d '{
    }' \ \


Transaction Encoding

Note: The gRPCurl response transaction and blockHash data are Base64 encoded

GetTransactionResponse {
  transaction: Buffer(196) [Uint8Array] [
      3,   0,   5,   0,   1,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  0,
      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  0,
      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  0,
      0, 255, 255, 255, 255,   6,   3, 194,  90,   6,   1,  9,
    255, 255, 255, 255,   2, 238, 252, 207,  49,   0,   0,  0,
      0,  25, 118, 169,  20, 126, 178,  93, 197, 175,  71, 45,
    107, 241, 154, 135, 122, 150, 240, 167,   7, 194, 198, 27,
    118, 136, 172, 101, 251, 183,  74,   0,   0,   0,   0, 25,
    118, 169,  20,  30,
    ... 96 more items
  blockHash: Buffer(32) [Uint8Array] [
      0,   0,   2,   9, 133, 199, 245,  83,
    191, 120, 191, 203, 109, 166,   9, 115,
    193, 152, 249,  11,   7, 245, 126,  31,
     55,  65,  10, 150, 205, 150, 131, 213
  height: 416450,
  confirmations: 386421,
  instantLocked: false,
  chainLocked: true
  "transaction": "AwAFAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP////8GA8JaBgEJ/////wLu/M8xAAAAABl2qRR+sl3Fr0cta/Gah3qW8KcHwsYbdoisZfu3SgAAAAAZdqkUHsXGbpeJxlWuBo01CItAczRf4LCIrAAAAABGAgDCWgYA3zSmucmdu7+CaY+6n4aGHySJHhbAxeiB3gNMGSIgYA1c6q3De0wxbi7HpAf4g4BgSUqhmkAxVflcQyddo+2zGA==",
  "blockHash": "AAACCYXH9VO/eL/LbaYJc8GY+QsH9X4fN0EKls2Wg9U=",
  "height": 416450,
  "confirmations": 386427,
  "isChainLocked": true


This endpoint helps support simplified payment verification (SPV) via DAPI by providing access to block headers which can then be used to verify transactions and simplified masternode lists.

Returns: streams the requested block header information

One of the following:
from_block_hashBytesNoReturn records beginning with the block hash provided
from_block_heightIntegerNoReturn records beginning with the block height provided
countIntegerNoNumber of blocks to sync. If set to 0 syncing is continuously sends new data as well (default: 0)

Example Request and Response

grpcurl -proto protos/core/v0/core.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{
  "from_block_height": 1,
  "count": 1
}' \ \


Note: The gRPCurl response chainlock and headers data is Base64 encoded

  "blockHeaders": {
    "headers": [


Returns: streams the requested transaction information

bloom_filter.v_dataBytesYesThe filter itself is simply a bit field of arbitrary byte-aligned size. The maximum size is 36,000 bytes
bloom_filter.n_hash_funcsIntegerYesThe number of hash functions to use in this filter. The maximum value allowed in this field is 50
bloom_filter.n_tweakIntegerYesA random value to add to the seed value in the hash function used by the bloom filter
bloom_filter.n_flagsIntegerYesA set of flags that control how matched items are added to the filter
One of the following:
from_block_hashBytesNoReturn records beginning with the block hash provided
from_block_heightIntegerNoReturn records beginning with the block height provided
countIntegerNoNumber of blocks to sync. If set to 0 syncing is continuously sends new data as well (default: 0)
send_transaction_hashes *BooleanNo

Example Request and Response

grpcurl -proto protos/core/v0/core.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{
  "from_block_height": 1,
  "count": 1,
  "bloom_filter": {
    "n_hash_funcs": 11,
    "v_data": "",
    "n_tweak": 0,
    "n_flags": 0
}' \ \


Note: The gRPCurl response transactions and rawMerkleBlock data is Base64 encoded

  "rawTransactions": {
    "transactions": [
  "rawMerkleBlock": "AgAAACy8+DtikT1W9gXA5YGkiHKDlCjJLl63bNetlLyvCwAAfxHczhQHVSDo90zE3fCStOJuvSO42GZaGuW/xBtY/bTDqV5T//8PHvN6AAABAAAAAX8R3M4UB1Ug6PdMxN3wkrTibr0juNhmWhrlv8QbWP20AQE="

Deprecated Endpoints

There are no recently deprecated endpoints, but the previous version of documentation can be viewed here.

Code Reference

Implementation details related to the information on this page can be found in: