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These docs are for v0.17.0. Click to read the latest docs for v0.25-redirect.

gRPC Overview

The gRPC endpoints provide access to information from Dash Platform (layer 2) as well as streaming of events related to blocks and transactions/transitions.

Connecting to gRPC

Auto-generated Clients

Clients for a number of languages are built automatically from the protocol definitions and are available in the clients folder of the dapi-grpc repository. The protocol definitions are available in the protos folder of the repository.


Pull Requests welcome

Pull requests are welcome to add support for additional languages that are not currently being built.

Command line

The examples shown in the endpoint details pages use a command-line tool named gRPCurl that allows interacting with gRPC servers in a similar way as curl does for the JSON-RPCs. Additional information may be found in the gRPC documentation.

To use gRPCurl as shown in the detailed examples, clone the dapi-grpc repository and execute the example requests from the root directory of that repository as shown in this example:

# Clone the dapi-grpc repository
git clone
cd dapi-grpc

# Execute gRPCurl command
grpcurl -plaintext -proto protos/...

Data Encoding

The data submitted/received from the gRPC endpoints is encoded using both CBOR and Base64. Data is first encoded with CBOR and the resulting output is then encoded in Base64 before being sent.


Canonical Encoding

Canonical encoding is used for state transitions, identities, data contracts, and documents. This puts the object's data fields in a sorted order to ensure the same hash is produced every time regardless of the actual order received by the encoder. Reproducible hashes are necessary to support validation of request/response data.

Libraries such as cbor (JavaScript) and cbor2 (Python) can be used to encode/decode data for DAPI gRPC endpoints.

The examples below use the response from a getIdentity gPRC request to demonstrate how to both encode data for sending and decode received data:

const cbor = require('cbor');

const grpc_identity_response = 'o2JpZHgsQ2JZVnlvS25HeGtIYUJydWNDQWhQRUJjcHV6OGoxNWNuWVlpdjFDRUhCTnhkdHlwZQFqcHVibGljS2V5c4GkYmlkAWRkYXRheCxBbXpSMkZNNGZZd0NtWnhHWjFOMnRhMkZmdUo5NU93K0xMQXJaREx1WUJqdGR0eXBlAWlpc0VuYWJsZWT1'

const identity_cbor = Buffer.from(grpc_identity_response, 'base64').toJSON();
const identity = cbor.decode(Buffer.from(identity_cbor));

console.log('Identity details');
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
import json
import cbor2

grpc_identity_response = 'o2JpZHgsQ2JZVnlvS25HeGtIYUJydWNDQWhQRUJjcHV6OGoxNWNuWVlpdjFDRUhCTnhkdHlwZQFqcHVibGljS2V5c4GkYmlkAWRkYXRheCxBbXpSMkZNNGZZd0NtWnhHWjFOMnRhMkZmdUo5NU93K0xMQXJaREx1WUJqdGR0eXBlAWlpc0VuYWJsZWT1'

identity_cbor = b64decode(grpc_identity_response)
identity = cbor2.loads(identity_cbor)

print('Identity details:\n{}\n'.format(json.dumps(identity, indent=2)))
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
import json
import cbor2

# Encode an identity
identity = {
  "id": "CbYVyoKnGxkHaBrucCAhPEBcpuz8j15cnYYiv1CEHBNx",  
  "type": 1,
  "publicKeys": [
      "id": 1,
      "data": "AmzR2FM4fYwCmZxGZ1N2ta2FfuJ95Ow+LLArZDLuYBjt",
      "type": 1,
      "isEnabled": True

identity_cbor = cbor2.dumps(identity)
identity_grpc = b64encode(identity_cbor)
print('Identity gRPC data: {}'.format(identity_grpc))