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These docs are for v0.16.0. Click to read the latest docs for v0.25-redirect.

Register a Name for an Identity

Sign up for a name in the Dash Platform Name Service (DPNS)

The purpose of this tutorial is to walk through the steps necessary to register a Dash Platform Name Service (DPNS) name.


Dash Platform names make cryptographic identities easy to remember and communicate.

Additional details regarding identities can be found in the Identity description.




Added in Dash Platform v0.15

As of Dash Platform v0.15, an Identity may have multiple alias names (dashAliasIdentityId) in addition to its default name (dashUniqueIdentityId).

Note: An Identity must have a default name before any aliases can be created for the Identity.

The examples below demonstrate creating both the default name and alias names.


As of v3.14.0 of the Dash JavaScript SDK, the name must be the full domain name including the parent domain (i.e. myname.dash instead of just myname). Currently dash is the only top-level domain that may be used.

const Dash = require('dash');

const clientOpts = {
  wallet: {
    mnemonic: 'a Dash wallet mnemonic with evonet funds goes here',
const client = new Dash.Client(clientOpts);

const registerName = async () => {
  const platform = client.platform;

  const identity = await platform.identities.get('an identity ID goes here');
  const nameRegistration = await platform.names.register(
    '<identity name goes here>.dash',
    { dashUniqueIdentityId: identity.getId() },

  return nameRegistration;

  .then((d) => console.log('Name registered:\n', d.toJSON()))
  .catch((e) => console.error('Something went wrong:\n', e))
  .finally(() => client.disconnect());
const Dash = require('dash');

const clientOpts = {
  wallet: {
    mnemonic: 'a Dash wallet mnemonic with evonet funds goes here',
const client = new Dash.Client(clientOpts);

const registerAlias = async () => {
  const platform = client.platform;
  const identity = await platform.identities.get('an identity ID goes here');
  const aliasRegistration = await platform.names.register(
    'a name goes here',
    { dashAliasIdentityId: identity.getId() },

  return aliasRegistration;

  .then((d) => console.log('Alias registered:\n', d.toJSON()))
  .catch((e) => console.error('Something went wrong:\n', e))
  .finally(() => client.disconnect());

What's Happening

After initializing the Client, we fetch the Identity we'll be associating with a name. This is an asynchronous method so we use await to pause until the request is complete. Next, we call platform.names.register and pass in the name we want to register, the type of Identity record to create, and the Identity we just fetched. We wait for the result, and output it to the console.