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Dash Masternode

Masternode setup with Dash Platform services

The purpose of this tutorial is to walk through the steps necessary to set up a masternode with Dash Platform services.


Advanced Topic

Running a masternode requires familiarity with Dash Platform services. Improper configuration may impact testing so please exercise caution if running a masternode.


Clone the mn-bootstrap repository

git clone -b master
cd mn-bootstrap
npm install # optional: install CLI dependencies
sudo npm link # optional: link CLI for system-wide execution


Full Platform Node

A full node that with all Platform services can be started by simply running the setup command with the node type setup parameter set to fullnode and then starting the node.

mn setup testnet fullnode
mn start

Masternode setup

First, obtain 1000 Evonet tDASH and create your protx registration transaction as described here. The Dash Core Full Node tutorial has an example configuration file that can be used to connect to Testnet with Dash Core.


The Dash required for the masternode collateral may be obtained from the faucet (it may take several requests to get the full amount).

Set config options

Select the testnet config, set the IP address, and the BLS key used in the previous step:

node bin/mn config:default testnet
node bin/mn config:set externalIp <your IP>
node bin/mn config:set core.masternode.operator.privateKey <your BLS private key>

Start/Stop the masternode

node bin/mn start
node bin/mn stop

Additional information

More comprehensive details of using the mn-bootstrap tool can be found in the mn-bootstrap README.