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These docs are for v0.22.0. Click to read the latest docs for v0.25-redirect.

Platform gRPC Endpoints

Detailed platform gRPC endpoint reference

Please refer to the gRPC Overview for details regarding running the examples shown below, encoding/decoding the request/response data, and clients available for several languages.

Data Proofs and Metadata

Since Dash Platform 0.20.0, Platform gRPC endpoints can provide proofs so the data returned for a request can be verified as being valid. Full support is not yet available in the JavaScript client, but can be used via the low level dapi-grpc library. Additional information about proofs is available on the Platform Proofs page.

Some additional metadata is also provided with responses:

  • height: the last committed platform chain height
  • coreChainLockedHeight: height of the most recent ChainLock on the core chain

Endpoint Details



Note: The waitForStateTransitionResult endpoint should be used in conjunction with this one for instances where proof of block confirmation is required.

Broadcasts a state transition to the platform via DAPI to make a change to layer 2 data. Since Dash Platform 0.18.0, broadcastStateTransition returns once the state transition has been accepted into the mempool instead of waiting until it is confirmed.

Returns: Nothing or error

state_transitionBytes (Base64)YesA state transition

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
const DashPlatformProtocol = require('@dashevo/dpp');

const client = new DAPIClient();
const dpp = new DashPlatformProtocol();

// Data Contract Create State Transition (JSON)
// Replace with your own state transition object before running
const stateTransitionObject = {
  protocolVersion: 0,
  type: 0,
  signature: 'HxAipUsLWQBE++C1suSRNQiQh91rI1LZbblvQhk2erUaIvRneAagxGYYsXXYNvEeO+lBzlF1a9KHGGTHgnO/8Ts=',
  signaturePublicKeyId: 0,
  dataContract: {
    protocolVersion: 0,
    '$id': 'CMc7RghKkHeHtFdwfSX5Hzy7CUdpCEJnwsbfHdsbmJ32',
    '$schema': '',
    ownerId: '8Z3ps3tNoGoPEDYerUNCd4yi7zDwgBh2ejgSMExxvkfD',
    documents: {
      note: {
        properties: { message: { type: 'string' } },
        additionalProperties: false,
  entropy: '+RqUArypdL8f/gCMAo4b6c3CoQvxHzsQG0BdYrT5QT0=',

// Convert signature and entropy to buffer
stateTransitionObject.signature = Buffer.from(stateTransitionObject.signature, 'base64');
stateTransitionObject.entropy = Buffer.from(stateTransitionObject.entropy, 'base64');

dpp.stateTransition.createFromObject(stateTransitionObject, { skipValidation: true })
  .then((stateTransition) => {
      .then(() => console.log('State Transition broadcast successfully'));
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');
const DashPlatformProtocol = require('@dashevo/dpp');

const platformPromiseClient = new PlatformPromiseClient(

const dpp = new DashPlatformProtocol();

// Data Contract Create State Transition (JSON)
// Replace with your own state transition object before running
const stateTransitionObject = {
  protocolVersion: 0,
  type: 0,
  signature: 'HxAipUsLWQBE++C1suSRNQiQh91rI1LZbblvQhk2erUaIvRneAagxGYYsXXYNvEeO+lBzlF1a9KHGGTHgnO/8Ts=',
  signaturePublicKeyId: 0,
  dataContract: {
    protocolVersion: 0,
    '$id': 'CMc7RghKkHeHtFdwfSX5Hzy7CUdpCEJnwsbfHdsbmJ32',
    '$schema': '',
    ownerId: '8Z3ps3tNoGoPEDYerUNCd4yi7zDwgBh2ejgSMExxvkfD',
    documents: {
      note: {
        properties: { message: { type: 'string' } },
        additionalProperties: false,
  entropy: '+RqUArypdL8f/gCMAo4b6c3CoQvxHzsQG0BdYrT5QT0=',

// Convert signature and entropy to buffer
stateTransitionObject.signature = Buffer.from(stateTransitionObject.signature, 'base64');
stateTransitionObject.entropy = Buffer.from(stateTransitionObject.entropy, 'base64');

const broadcastStateTransitionRequest = new BroadcastStateTransitionRequest();

dpp.stateTransition.createFromObject(stateTransitionObject, { skipValidation: true })
  .then((stateTransition) => {

      .then(() => console.log('State Transition broadcast successfully'))
      .catch((e) => {
  .catch((e) => console.error(e));
# Submit an identity create State Transition
# `state_transition` must be represented in base64
# Replace `state_transition` with your own state transition object before running
grpcurl -proto protos/platform/v0/platform.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{

    }' \ \

Response: No response except on error



Breaking changes

As of Dash Platform 0.21 the protocolVersion is no longer included in the CBOR-encoded data. It is instead prepended to the data following CBOR encoding.

Returns: Identity information for the requested identity

idBytesYesAn identity id
proveBooleanNoNot available in Platform v0.22.0
Set to true to receive a proof that contains the requested identity


Note: When requesting proofs, the data requested will be encoded as part of the proof in the response. See the Platform Proofs page for details on decoding the data.

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
const Identifier = require('@dashevo/dpp/lib/Identifier');
const cbor = require('cbor');

const client = new DAPIClient();

const identityId = Identifier.from('3nJjUPiVbwvKRpZ6pLUwVjcFoEJdeqPqakobctF3uECU');
client.platform.getIdentity(identityId).then((response) => {
  // Strip off protocol version (leading 4 bytes) and decode
  const identity = cbor.decode(response.identity.slice(4, response.identity.length));
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');
const Identifier = require('@dashevo/dpp/lib/Identifier');
const cbor = require('cbor');

const platformPromiseClient = new PlatformPromiseClient(

const id = Identifier.from('3nJjUPiVbwvKRpZ6pLUwVjcFoEJdeqPqakobctF3uECU');
const idBuffer = Buffer.from(id);
const getIdentityRequest = new GetIdentityRequest();

  .then((response) => {
    const identityResponse = response.getIdentity();
    const identityBuffer = Buffer.from(identityResponse);
    // Strip off protocol version (leading 4 bytes) and decode
    console.log(cbor.decode(identityBuffer.slice(4, identityBuffer.length)));
  .catch((e) => console.error(e));
# `id` must be represented in base64
grpcurl -proto protos/platform/v0/platform.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{
    }' \ \
  id: <Buffer fd 6d a7 21 26 c2 e3 b5 01 ee f5 59 36 27 2c 50 01 7c 0e 33 cf 97 8d 23 48 ee f8 1f 25 1d 08 1d>,
  balance: 10994722,
  revision: 0,
  publicKeys: [
      id: 0,
      data: <Buffer 03 61 93 00 99 3d 78 05 a4 31 75 42 6f ea d1 29 71 fd f4 f3 ad 47 93 9a 5b ac ea 66 5e ff ca 8c e9>,
      type: 0,
      purpose: 0,
      readOnly: false,
      securityLevel: 0
  "identity": "AQAAAKRiaWRYIP1tpyEmwuO1Ae71WTYnLFABfA4zz5eNI0ju+B8lHQgdZ2JhbGFuY2UaAKfEImhyZXZpc2lvbgBqcHVibGljS2V5c4GmYmlkAGRkYXRhWCEDYZMAmT14BaQxdUJv6tEpcf30861Hk5pbrOpmXv/KjOlkdHlwZQBncHVycG9zZQBocmVhZE9ubHn0bXNlY3VyaXR5TGV2ZWwA",
  "metadata": {
    "height": "7216",
    "coreChainLockedHeight": 696039


Returns: Identity information associated with the provided public key hashes

public_key_hashesBytesYesPublic key hashes (sha256-ripemd160) of identity public keys
proveBooleanNoNot available in Platform v0.22.0
Set to true to receive a proof that contains the requested identities


Note: When requesting proofs, the data requested will be encoded as part of the proof in the response. See the Platform Proofs page for details on decoding the data.


Public key hash

Note: the hash must be done using all fields of the identity public key object - e.g.

  id: 0,
  type: 0,
  purpose: 0,
  securityLevel: 0,
  data: 'A2GTAJk9eAWkMXVCb+rRKXH99POtR5OaW6zqZl7/yozp',
  readOnly: false

When using the js-dpp library, the hash can be accessed via the IdentityPublicKey object's hash method (e.g. identity.getPublicKeyById(0).hash()).

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
const DashPlatformProtocol = require('@dashevo/dpp');

const client = new DAPIClient();
const dpp = new DashPlatformProtocol();

const publicKeyHash = 'b51b2072970377a20a0bf3931e66a046a587a22a';
const publicKeysBuffer = [Buffer.from(publicKeyHash, 'hex')];

dpp.initialize().then(() => {
    .then((response) => {
      const retrievedIdentity = dpp.identity.createFromBuffer(response.identities[0][0]);
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');
const cbor = require('cbor');
const DashPlatformProtocol = require('@dashevo/dpp');

const dpp = new DashPlatformProtocol();

  .then(() => {
    const platformPromiseClient = new PlatformPromiseClient(

    const publicKeyHash = 'b51b2072970377a20a0bf3931e66a046a587a22a';
    const publicKeysBuffer = [Buffer.from(publicKeyHash, 'hex')];

    const getIdentitiesByPublicKeyHashesRequest = new GetIdentitiesByPublicKeyHashesRequest();

      .then((response) => {
        const identitiesResponse = response.getIdentitiesList();
      .catch((e) => console.error(e));
# `public_key_hashes` must be represented in base64
grpcurl -proto protos/platform/v0/platform.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{
    }' \ \
  protocolVersion: 1,
  id: 'J4H8FjbF6c5Mkv2o5TUDi1ufVBLJqXiDQjgbnXRTMNBe',
  publicKeys: [
      id: 0,
      type: 0,
      purpose: 0,
      securityLevel: 0,
      data: 'A2GTAJk9eAWkMXVCb+rRKXH99POtR5OaW6zqZl7/yozp',
      readOnly: false
  balance: 10994722,
  revision: 0
  "identities": [
  "metadata": {
    "height": "7219",
    "coreChainLockedHeight": 696041


Returns: Identity ID(s) associated with the provided public key hashes

public_key_hashesBytesYesPublic key hash (sha256-ripemd160) of an identity's public key
proveBooleanNoNot available in Platform v0.22.0
Set to true to receive a proof that contains the requested identity IDs


Note: When requesting proofs, the data requested will be encoded as part of the proof in the response. See the Platform Proofs page for details on decoding the data.


Public key hash

Note: the hash must be done using all fields of the identity public key object - e.g.

  id: 0,
  type: 0,
  purpose: 0,
  securityLevel: 0,
  data: 'A2GTAJk9eAWkMXVCb+rRKXH99POtR5OaW6zqZl7/yozp',
  readOnly: false

When using the js-dpp library, the hash can be accessed via the IdentityPublicKey object's hash method (e.g. identity.getPublicKeyById(0).hash()).

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
const Identifier = require('@dashevo/dpp/lib/Identifier');

const client = new DAPIClient();

// Get identity from hex public key hash
const publicKeyHash = 'b51b2072970377a20a0bf3931e66a046a587a22a';
const publicKeysBuffer = [Buffer.from(publicKeyHash, 'hex')];

  .then((response) => {
    for (const r of response) {
      console.log(`Identity ID: ${Identifier.from(r[0]).toString()}`);
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');
const Identifier = require('@dashevo/dpp/lib/Identifier');

const platformPromiseClient = new PlatformPromiseClient(

const publicKeyHash = 'b51b2072970377a20a0bf3931e66a046a587a22a';
const publicKeysBuffer = [Buffer.from(publicKeyHash, 'hex')];

const getIdentityIdsByPublicKeyHashesRequest = new GetIdentityIdsByPublicKeyHashesRequest();

  .then((response) => {
    const identityIdsResponse = response.getIdentityIdsList();
    const id = cbor.decode(identityIdsResponse[0])[0];
    console.log(`Identity ID: ${Identifier.from(id)}`);
  .catch((e) => console.error(e));
# `public_key_hashes` must be represented in base64
grpcurl -proto protos/platform/v0/platform.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{
    }' \ \
Identity ID: J4H8FjbF6c5Mkv2o5TUDi1ufVBLJqXiDQjgbnXRTMNBe
  "identityIds": [
  "metadata": {
    "height": "7220",
    "coreChainLockedHeight": 696042


Returns: Data Contract information for the requested data contract

idBytesYesA data contract id
proveBooleanNoNot available in Platform v0.22.0
Set to true to receive a proof that contains the requested data contract


Note: When requesting proofs, the data requested will be encoded as part of the proof in the response. See the Platform Proofs page for details on decoding the data.

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
const Identifier = require('@dashevo/dpp/lib/Identifier');
const cbor = require('cbor');

const client = new DAPIClient();

const contractId = Identifier.from('DSbnfEe8fU43dgyktHVMKFBVYSsLKHG3mAdN4x5dd9eg');
client.platform.getDataContract(contractId).then((response) => {
  const contract = cbor.decode(response.dataContract);
  console.dir(contract, { depth: 10 });
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');
const Identifier = require('@dashevo/dpp/lib/Identifier');
const cbor = require('cbor');

const platformPromiseClient = new PlatformPromiseClient(

const contractId = Identifier.from('DSbnfEe8fU43dgyktHVMKFBVYSsLKHG3mAdN4x5dd9eg');
const contractIdBuffer = Buffer.from(contractId);
const getDataContractRequest = new GetDataContractRequest();

  .then((response) => {
    const contractResponse = response.getDataContract();
    const contractBuffer = Buffer.from(contractResponse);
  	// Strip off protocol version (leading 4 bytes) and decode
  	console.dir(cbor.decode(contractBuffer.slice(4, contractBuffer.length)), { depth: 5 });
  .catch((e) => console.error(e));
# `id` must be represented in base64
grpcurl -proto protos/platform/v0/platform.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{
    }' \ \
  '$id': Buffer(32) [Uint8Array] [
    184, 219,  24, 238,  95,  46,  26,  18,
     13,  41,  17,  21, 151, 156, 228, 235,
    242,  54, 217, 193, 195, 210, 240, 255,
     29,  55,  95, 132, 225, 151, 132,  73
  '$schema': '',
  ownerId: Buffer(32) [Uint8Array] [
    253, 109, 167, 33,  38, 194, 227, 181,
      1, 238, 245, 89,  54,  39,  44,  80,
      1, 124,  14, 51, 207, 151, 141,  35,
     72, 238, 248, 31,  37,  29,   8,  29
  version: 2,
  documents: {
    note: {
      type: 'object',
      properties: { author: { type: 'string' }, message: { type: 'string' } },
      additionalProperties: false
  "dataContract": "AQAAAKVjJGlkWCC42xjuXy4aEg0pERWXnOTr8jbZwcPS8P8dN1+E4ZeESWckc2NoZW1heDRodHRwczovL3NjaGVtYS5kYXNoLm9yZy9kcHAtMC00LTAvbWV0YS9kYXRhLWNvbnRyYWN0Z293bmVySWRYIP1tpyEmwuO1Ae71WTYnLFABfA4zz5eNI0ju+B8lHQgdZ3ZlcnNpb24CaWRvY3VtZW50c6Fkbm90ZaNkdHlwZWZvYmplY3RqcHJvcGVydGllc6JmYXV0aG9yoWR0eXBlZnN0cmluZ2dtZXNzYWdloWR0eXBlZnN0cmluZ3RhZGRpdGlvbmFsUHJvcGVydGllc/Q=",
  "metadata": {
    "height": "7220",
    "coreChainLockedHeight": 696042


Returns: Document information for the requested document(s)

  • Parameter constraints

The where, order_by, limit, start_at, and start_after parameters must comply with the limits defined on the Query Syntax page.

Additionally, note that where and order_by must be CBOR encoded.

data_contract_idBytesYesA data contract id
document_typeStringYesA document type defined by the data contract (e.g. preorder or domain for the DPNS contract)
where *BytesNoWhere clause to filter the results (must be CBOR encoded)
order_by *BytesNoSort records by the field(s) provided (must be CBOR encoded)
limitIntegerNoMaximum number of results to return
One of the following:
start_atIntegerNoReturn records beginning with the index provided
start_afterIntegerNoReturn records beginning after the index provided
proveBooleanNoNot available in Platform v0.22.0
Set to true to receive a proof that contains the requested document(s)


Note: When requesting proofs, the data requested will be encoded as part of the proof in the response. See the Platform Proofs page for details on decoding the data.

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
const Identifier = require('@dashevo/dpp/lib/Identifier');
const cbor = require('cbor');

const client = new DAPIClient();

const contractId = Identifier.from('DSbnfEe8fU43dgyktHVMKFBVYSsLKHG3mAdN4x5dd9eg');
client.platform.getDocuments(contractId, 'note', { limit: 10 }).then((response) => {
  for (const rawData of response.documents) {
    console.log(cbor.decode(rawData.slice(4, rawData.length)));
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');
const cbor = require('cbor');
const Identifier = require('@dashevo/dpp/lib/Identifier');

const platformPromiseClient = new PlatformPromiseClient(

const contractId = Identifier.from('DSbnfEe8fU43dgyktHVMKFBVYSsLKHG3mAdN4x5dd9eg');
const contractIdBuffer = Buffer.from(contractId);
const getDocumentsRequest = new GetDocumentsRequest();
const type = 'note';
const limit = 10;

// getDocumentsRequest.setWhere(whereSerialized);
// getDocumentsRequest.setOrderBy(orderBySerialized);
// getDocumentsRequest.setStartAfter(startAfter);
// getDocumentsRequest.setStartAt(startAt);

  .then((response) => {
    for (const document of response.getDocumentsList()) {
      const documentBuffer = Buffer.from(document);
      // Strip off protocol version (leading 4 bytes) and decode
      console.log(cbor.decode(documentBuffer.slice(4, documentBuffer.length)));
  .catch((e) => console.error(e));
# Request documents
# `id` must be represented in base64
grpcurl -proto protos/platform/v0/platform.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{
    }' \ \
  '$id': <Buffer 16 97 f2 36 96 6a 3a 6d af 29 d9 de c0 b4 42 7a 6b 65 0b 3d ed 36 74 a6 a6 a1 98 78 8d 7e c9 4a>,
  '$type': 'note',
  message: 'Tutorial CI Test @ Mon, 28 Mar 2022 14:23:59 GMT',
  '$ownerId': <Buffer fd 6d a7 21 26 c2 e3 b5 01 ee f5 59 36 27 2c 50 01 7c 0e 33 cf 97 8d 23 48 ee f8 1f 25 1d 08 1d>,
  '$revision': 1,
  '$dataContractId': <Buffer b8 db 18 ee 5f 2e 1a 12 0d 29 11 15 97 9c e4 eb f2 36 d9 c1 c3 d2 f0 ff 1d 37 5f 84 e1 97 84 49>
  "documents": [
  "metadata": {
    "height": "7220",
    "coreChainLockedHeight": 696042



Added in Dash Platform 0.18.0

Returns: The state transition hash and either a proof that the state transition was confirmed in a block or an error.

state_transition_hashBytesYesHash of the state transition
proveBooleanYesNot available in Platform v0.22.0
Set to true to request a proof


Note: When requesting proofs, the data requested will be encoded as part of the proof in the response. See the Platform Proofs page for details on decoding the data.

Example Request and Response

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
const DashPlatformProtocol = require('@dashevo/dpp');
const crypto = require('crypto');

const client = new DAPIClient();
const dpp = new DashPlatformProtocol();

// Replace with your own state transition object before running
const stateTransitionObject = {
  protocolVersion: 0,
  type: 0,
  signature: 'HxAipUsLWQBE++C1suSRNQiQh91rI1LZbblvQhk2erUaIvRneAagxGYYsXXYNvEeO+lBzlF1a9KHGGTHgnO/8Ts=',
  signaturePublicKeyId: 0,
  dataContract: {
    protocolVersion: 0,
    '$id': 'CMc7RghKkHeHtFdwfSX5Hzy7CUdpCEJnwsbfHdsbmJ32',
    '$schema': '',
    ownerId: '8Z3ps3tNoGoPEDYerUNCd4yi7zDwgBh2ejgSMExxvkfD',
    documents: {
      note: {
        properties: { message: { type: 'string' } },
        additionalProperties: false,
  entropy: '+RqUArypdL8f/gCMAo4b6c3CoQvxHzsQG0BdYrT5QT0=',

// Convert signature and entropy to buffer
stateTransitionObject.signature = Buffer.from(stateTransitionObject.signature, 'base64');
stateTransitionObject.entropy = Buffer.from(stateTransitionObject.entropy, 'base64');

dpp.stateTransition.createFromObject(stateTransitionObject, { skipValidation: true })
  .then((stateTransition) => {
    //  Calculate state transition hash
    const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256')

    console.log(`Requesting proof of state transition with hash:\n\t${hash.toString('hex')}`);

    client.platform.waitForStateTransitionResult(hash, { prove: true })
      .then((response) => {
const {
  v0: {
} = require('@dashevo/dapi-grpc');
const DashPlatformProtocol = require('@dashevo/dpp');
const crypto = require('crypto');

const platformPromiseClient = new PlatformPromiseClient(

const dpp = new DashPlatformProtocol();

// Replace with your own state transition object before running
const stateTransitionObject = {
  protocolVersion: 0,
  type: 0,
  signature: 'HxAipUsLWQBE++C1suSRNQiQh91rI1LZbblvQhk2erUaIvRneAagxGYYsXXYNvEeO+lBzlF1a9KHGGTHgnO/8Ts=',
  signaturePublicKeyId: 0,
  dataContract: {
    protocolVersion: 0,
    '$id': 'CMc7RghKkHeHtFdwfSX5Hzy7CUdpCEJnwsbfHdsbmJ32',
    '$schema': '',
    ownerId: '8Z3ps3tNoGoPEDYerUNCd4yi7zDwgBh2ejgSMExxvkfD',
    documents: {
      note: {
        properties: { message: { type: 'string' } },
        additionalProperties: false,
  entropy: '+RqUArypdL8f/gCMAo4b6c3CoQvxHzsQG0BdYrT5QT0=',

// Convert signature and entropy to buffer
stateTransitionObject.signature = Buffer.from(stateTransitionObject.signature, 'base64');
stateTransitionObject.entropy = Buffer.from(stateTransitionObject.entropy, 'base64');

dpp.stateTransition.createFromObject(stateTransitionObject, { skipValidation: true })
  .then((stateTransition) => {
    //  Calculate state transition hash
    const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256')

    const waitForStateTransitionResultRequest = new WaitForStateTransitionResultRequest();

    console.log(`Requesting proof of state transition with hash:\n\t${hash.toString('hex')}`);

      .then((response) => {
        const rootTreeProof = Buffer.from(response.getProof().getRootTreeProof());
        const storeTreeProof = Buffer.from(response.getProof().getStoreTreeProof());
        console.log(`Root tree proof: ${rootTreeProof.toString('hex')}`);
        console.log(`Store tree proof: ${storeTreeProof.toString('hex')}`);
  		.catch((e) => console.error(e));
# `state_transition_hash` must be represented in base64
# Replace `state_transition_hash` with your own before running
grpcurl -proto protos/platform/v0/platform.proto -plaintext \
  -d '{
    "prove": "true"
    }' \ \
  proof: {
    rootTreeProof: <Buffer 01 00 00 00 03 26 e0 35 e0 31 82 7e 7c 27 b0 91 23 41 ed d2 11 bf 3b 90 54 70 11 2c 68 5a 8e 76 8c 68 bb 39 21 3d cf 46 6d 09 d0 7a 28 e3 e9 0b 2b 0e ... 17 more bytes>,
    storeTreeProof: <Buffer 01 0b ee 31 ce ca 2a bd 44 6a db d4 9f 13 4a 7d 70 25 96 a9 b9 02 6e c4 e1 90 95 f7 a1 b4 c9 de 1f e4 63 e6 ce f7 58 3a 5b c3 10 01 78 9b 4f 98 9a c9 ... 526 more bytes>
Requesting proof of state transition with hash:
Root tree proof: 010000000326e035e031827e7c27b0912341edd211bf3b905470112c685a8e768c68bb39213dcf466d09d07a28e3e90b2b0e1d1510dede30214f68e32f8cf498220101
Store tree proof: 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
  "proof": {
    "rootTreeProof": "AQAAAAMm4DXgMYJ+fCewkSNB7dIRvzuQVHARLGhajnaMaLs5IT3PRm0J0Hoo4+kLKw4dFRDe3jAhT2jjL4z0mCIBAQ==",
    "storeTreeProof": "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"

Deprecated Endpoints

There are no recently deprecated endpoint, but the previous version of documentation can be viewed here.

Code Reference

Implementation details related to the information on this page can be found in: