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Dash Core Masternode

Masternode setup with Dash Platform services

The purpose of this tutorial is to walk through the steps necessary to set up a masternode with Dash Platform services.


Advanced Topic

Running a masternode on Evonet requires familiarity with Dash Platform services. As with testnet, improper configuration may impact testing so please exercise caution if running a masternode.


  • Access to a Linux VPS (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS recommended) configured with a non-root user (guide)
  • Docker (v18.06.0+) and docker-compose (v1.25.0+) installed

Masternode setup

Clone the repository and edit the configuration file

git clone
cd mn-bootstrap
cp .env.evonet .env
nano .env

Paste in appropriate values for CORE_EXTERNAL_IP and CORE_MASTERNODE_BLS_PRIV_KEY. Generate a new BLS key using dash-cli bls generate or from Dash Core debug console with bls generate if necessary.

Start the masternode

docker-compose up -d

Then obtain 1000 Evonet tDASH and create your protx registration transaction as described here.